Shibuya Shibuya Shibuya
The lock had been changed and I had slept a whole 5 hours. I don't know if it was the jet lag or the new bed, but I couldn't get any sleep. It is very hot and humid despite the air conditioners in every room. Today I go to Shibuya and Asakusa, two highlight cities of my trip thus far. My mind gets very fuzzy when I try to remember back to this day. But I do have pictures:
me in 3 months
Shibuya was definity the place to be. Unlike the suit and tie dominated Roppongi, Shibuya was the town where a lot of kids could hang out with their friends, dress their finest and go out clubbing, bar hopping, or shopping. After our quick tour of Shibuya, we took a boat Northeast to Asakasa to visit the ourdoor shops, leading up to the Asakusa Kannon Temple.

Some gangsta came up to us grabbing his balls, saying "Chinko Chinko" (Penis Penis) and gave Brian this awesome shirt that says, "I Love Munja" (?) Some kind of food.

what we thought was sake

considering a ride on this rickshaw

bathing in the smoke to heal the body

Back to Shibuya for a night at the 300 yen bar, which is really cheap for a beer considering most bars cost 500 or 600 yen a beer. Fortunately our waiter spoke English, only after having fun with us for 20 minutes until he gave us an English menu. The table next to us partook in an impromptu photo shoot while the table behind us flicked lit matches at neighboring tables. They said they were sorry. PFTTTTT.

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