Harajuku Poo
Today was supposed to be my day to relax. But I guess I'll wait until next weekend for that. Laura, Kaebea, Tom, Abe, Nick and I went out to Harajuku to Meiji Dori and Meiji Shrine where I was surprised to find a festival taking place not to mention the cosu-purei where all the teens dress up in costumes. Oh yea, this is also the EXB recruitment station.


keitai denwa (for free)

and ice cream

From here on out for the rest of the day, I didn't take any more pictures. I ended up eating at this place Jonathan's for dinner, similar to a Denny's style restaurant where they serve a lot of Western style food, which is always Italian food. I ordered the crab pasta which tasted alright, until about 30 minutes later when it was ready to come out. I stood in a Uniqlo clothing store and told the others I must go. It came out of nowhere, and I had to find a bathroom immediately. Now here comes the most challenging part. I have no clue where I am, and the nearest bathroom is at the Tower Records, a good 2 miles down the road. So basically, I found myself running (literally) around the city looking for a toilet, which was quite hard to come by. I found a Starbucks, which was across the street, as I waited for eternity for the light to turn green. Next to me was a cute girl that had been following me and actually got really close to me, and was going to bust a one liner on her, but I deemed the bathroom much much more important than anything in my life at that moment. As I got to the bathroom, there were 2 ladies in line in front of me. Damnit. I called it an early night vowing never to eat Japanese spaghetti again. 3 days later I had some more and got sick again.
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