Since You Been Gone
It's been a while since I've posted something about my adventures. The past postings have just been random little rants and words that were on my mind. But as of late, I've been under a little stress with schoolwork and projects and trying to see the rest of Japan, on top of being sick. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...also, seeing how I only have a 3 more weeks here in Japan, I may not have time to be updating. I know I know. Millions of you are crying. The world lives by my every word. But I assure you, things will be ok. Also I feel kinda strange coming home and wanting to tell stories of my experiences but everyone will have known what I have done. I think I'm gonna keep these next few weeks to myself. Keep y'all on the edge of your seat. Ahh, who am I kidding! Check out my trip to Nikko!!!!!!!!!!=)=(=)
With a whole weekend of hardcore homework seshs, I decided to take the day off on Sunday and visit Nikko, which happened to be the National Heritage and Culture capital of Japan. Or thats what they said. I don't know who to believe anymore. My friends are telling me one thing, but Big Brother keeps whispering in my ear. So on we go!! What once was a $12, 2 hour train ride, soon became a $27, 1 hour and 40 minute train ride on a smokers car, all because we had no idea what we were doing. That trip ended up being alot of fun because with the $15 extra dollars we paid, there was a male topless dance party and limbofest, with some kebobs, roasted corn, and some traditional cuban-influenced german folk music. Oh yeah, and the coughing and permanent lung damage came along with that. Anyways, the entire car was a coudy mess and I am glad I had made it out of there alive.

The scenery was beautiful, some of the most beautful scenery I had seen in Japan, especially during the autumn season, both on the train and in Nikko. We arrived in Nikko at around 11:00 and first order of business was orientaion.

Then bridge

Then temple

Then shrine

Then tree

Then abyss

Then hug

It was extremely cold up there, mainly because we were up in the mountains and it was mid November. But within the span of one minutes time, it rained, hailed, and snowed all in succession. I had experienced 3 seasons in 60 seconds time. All the Japanesers went nutzo for snow. Me...I'm a veteran of the snow. It takes more than a couple of flakes to impress me. (Secretly I pissed my pants at the sight of first snowflake). Some Budda dude gave me his little dress and tunic to cope with the embarassment. (I've gotta stop lying about something at some point). We had really wanted to visit the Lake Chusenji, and Kegon Waterfall nicknamed "Suicide Falls" because it was a hotspot where all the cool hepcats and lovers would jump and kill themselves because they had lost their lovers or didnt have one. Also there were a number of hiking trails in Nikko where monkeys inbabited the forests and often times will take your camera or your baby or even your baby camera. They had quite an affinity for vintage and miniature cameras. The monkeys even have their own photolab and darkroom in the forests of Nikko.
Alas, the daylight was cutting itself short (no daylights savings time in Japan, so it gets dark at 4-5) and many of the sights in Nikko were spread out that you need to take a 30 minutes bus ride just to get from one spot to the next. Therefore we couldnt see the monkeys, or the falls, or the lake. We checked out the temples tho. dat all.
Later in the week, I saw a free concert for Cornelius at the Apple Store in Shibuya.

And I sent my animation out to MTV for the Fight AIDS campaign.
And I got invited to my film professor's mother's house for a Japanese meal. It was incredible. IN F'N CREDIBLE. I'm gonna stay with her for a week in New York when she visits in May. We're gonna see lots of movies and totally hang out Japamerican style.
ARIAGATO GOZAIMASHITA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With a whole weekend of hardcore homework seshs, I decided to take the day off on Sunday and visit Nikko, which happened to be the National Heritage and Culture capital of Japan. Or thats what they said. I don't know who to believe anymore. My friends are telling me one thing, but Big Brother keeps whispering in my ear. So on we go!! What once was a $12, 2 hour train ride, soon became a $27, 1 hour and 40 minute train ride on a smokers car, all because we had no idea what we were doing. That trip ended up being alot of fun because with the $15 extra dollars we paid, there was a male topless dance party and limbofest, with some kebobs, roasted corn, and some traditional cuban-influenced german folk music. Oh yeah, and the coughing and permanent lung damage came along with that. Anyways, the entire car was a coudy mess and I am glad I had made it out of there alive.

The scenery was beautiful, some of the most beautful scenery I had seen in Japan, especially during the autumn season, both on the train and in Nikko. We arrived in Nikko at around 11:00 and first order of business was orientaion.

Then bridge

Then temple

Then shrine

Then tree

Then abyss

Then hug

It was extremely cold up there, mainly because we were up in the mountains and it was mid November. But within the span of one minutes time, it rained, hailed, and snowed all in succession. I had experienced 3 seasons in 60 seconds time. All the Japanesers went nutzo for snow. Me...I'm a veteran of the snow. It takes more than a couple of flakes to impress me. (Secretly I pissed my pants at the sight of first snowflake). Some Budda dude gave me his little dress and tunic to cope with the embarassment. (I've gotta stop lying about something at some point). We had really wanted to visit the Lake Chusenji, and Kegon Waterfall nicknamed "Suicide Falls" because it was a hotspot where all the cool hepcats and lovers would jump and kill themselves because they had lost their lovers or didnt have one. Also there were a number of hiking trails in Nikko where monkeys inbabited the forests and often times will take your camera or your baby or even your baby camera. They had quite an affinity for vintage and miniature cameras. The monkeys even have their own photolab and darkroom in the forests of Nikko.
Alas, the daylight was cutting itself short (no daylights savings time in Japan, so it gets dark at 4-5) and many of the sights in Nikko were spread out that you need to take a 30 minutes bus ride just to get from one spot to the next. Therefore we couldnt see the monkeys, or the falls, or the lake. We checked out the temples tho. dat all.
Later in the week, I saw a free concert for Cornelius at the Apple Store in Shibuya.

And I sent my animation out to MTV for the Fight AIDS campaign.
And I got invited to my film professor's mother's house for a Japanese meal. It was incredible. IN F'N CREDIBLE. I'm gonna stay with her for a week in New York when she visits in May. We're gonna see lots of movies and totally hang out Japamerican style.
ARIAGATO GOZAIMASHITA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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