Clever Title
Jesus H. Theres much documentation to be done. On top of this blog which I use to update family and friends as well as for my own brain drainage and my blog I keep for class, I've just recently decided to attempt and make a scrapbook for Japan. I've seen my friends scrapbook and it seems really cool. So far all records of this trip have just been posted on this infinite black hole we call the internet. I'd like to have some physical documentation which is become lost in the world of blogging. My scrapbook witll contain personal comments and observations along with stories of my days here. I will continue to use this an event journal. And with that said, here is the event:
Hakone was the destination for this weekend. I shelled out about $175 for this weekend excursion, which included our stay at a really nice hotel, Hakone Yumoto Hotel. Someone who graduated TUJ last year's parents own the hotel so we get discounts or free rooms. It also included bus fair all day and 4 meals for the 2 days I was there. Uhh.......I always don't know what to say half the time, so usually at this point I just start posting pictures because I'm either too lazy to type or can't think of how to describe it. For now, I will post the pictures and will make comments if it comes up during the composition of this post.
Looking through my pictures, I almost forgot that I started off the weekend at a punk rock show. Or thrash. Or rock. Or what have you. The music was loud no matter what and I went deaf in my left ear for the rest of the weekend. That sucked, but the show was spectacular. I haven't been to a punk show in years since I've had my falling out with the music. But this show reminded me of the fast pumping music that still lives inside me. Me and Nathan went to Koenji looking for the show, couldn't find the place, so we asked some kids with facial piercing and told us to follow them. The place was packed due to some major Japanese punk acts that night, Gouka and Forward brought the house down. With lyrics in English saying "This is the fucking program and day" and "Fuck Bush Fuck Bush, No War" who couldn't love these anarchist motherlovers.
and they delivered

Upon arrival to Owakudani Station, we followed a large herd of people up the mountain, climbing many steps to reach a little stand which sells Kuro-tamago or boiled eggs, which shells have turned black due to the boiling of the eggs in the natural boiling sulfur waters.

They tasted no different than a regular hardboiled egg. But it was at this point in which I realized I love eggs. From my head down to my legs. Since they are special eggs (special meaning sold at $6 for 6) each egg you eat is supposed to add 7 years to your life. But with my luck with superstions (see washing money to become rich) , I wouldnt be surprised if it took away 7 years of my life. Lets just hope not. But after consuming this egg, I felt compelled to take a metal picture, meaning me headbanging.
most metal moment in my life
title in frame
and karaoke
peace out hotel, my homie
monkey hug
my extended family (aka don't f with us)
my umbrella and me
meal #4

How bout dat?
Hakone was the destination for this weekend. I shelled out about $175 for this weekend excursion, which included our stay at a really nice hotel, Hakone Yumoto Hotel. Someone who graduated TUJ last year's parents own the hotel so we get discounts or free rooms. It also included bus fair all day and 4 meals for the 2 days I was there. Uhh.......I always don't know what to say half the time, so usually at this point I just start posting pictures because I'm either too lazy to type or can't think of how to describe it. For now, I will post the pictures and will make comments if it comes up during the composition of this post.
Looking through my pictures, I almost forgot that I started off the weekend at a punk rock show. Or thrash. Or rock. Or what have you. The music was loud no matter what and I went deaf in my left ear for the rest of the weekend. That sucked, but the show was spectacular. I haven't been to a punk show in years since I've had my falling out with the music. But this show reminded me of the fast pumping music that still lives inside me. Me and Nathan went to Koenji looking for the show, couldn't find the place, so we asked some kids with facial piercing and told us to follow them. The place was packed due to some major Japanese punk acts that night, Gouka and Forward brought the house down. With lyrics in English saying "This is the fucking program and day" and "Fuck Bush Fuck Bush, No War" who couldn't love these anarchist motherlovers.

After some sweet Maku Donadoru's and a hot Marron pie, I didnt think I would make the train home. With an hour to get home, I sat on the express train at the station as it waited for 20 minutes while it did some repairs. I luckily made it on the last train home. The next morning I was to wake up at 6.
The next morning with my 3rd headache in 2 days and a incredible ringing in my ears. I made my way to Naka-meguro to hop on the bus to Hakone. I tried to read my book but was distracted by the landscape that passed us by. Pictures from a moving vehicle suck. Before we stopped at the hotel, we stopped for lunch at an Udon restaurant:

meal #1 (lunch)
curved space

stained glass tower
56 degree foot soak
The next morning with my 3rd headache in 2 days and a incredible ringing in my ears. I made my way to Naka-meguro to hop on the bus to Hakone. I tried to read my book but was distracted by the landscape that passed us by. Pictures from a moving vehicle suck. Before we stopped at the hotel, we stopped for lunch at an Udon restaurant:

meal #1 (lunch)
Everything tasted of wheat, which made sense because it was an udon-ya. Cold udon noodles, cold tofu, hot wheat tea, and red bean cube did not make my stomach feel good. Japan really likes their gelatinous cube food. From here we took a trip to the top of the mountain to the Hakone Open Air Museuem which was one of the most spectacular museums I have ever been to. And I usually hate museums.

There was a pavillion housing some of Picasso's work, which was not very interesting. Don't get me wrong, I love Picasso, but when your ceramics are up against the other installation pieces your bound to go down. Especially if I can't play with it. From here, we decided to take a sky gondola through the montains and over the sulfurous vapor erruptions of Owakudani Valley, to a spot where you can sometimes see a clear view of Mt. Fuji not too far away.

Upon arrival to Owakudani Station, we followed a large herd of people up the mountain, climbing many steps to reach a little stand which sells Kuro-tamago or boiled eggs, which shells have turned black due to the boiling of the eggs in the natural boiling sulfur waters.

They tasted no different than a regular hardboiled egg. But it was at this point in which I realized I love eggs. From my head down to my legs. Since they are special eggs (special meaning sold at $6 for 6) each egg you eat is supposed to add 7 years to your life. But with my luck with superstions (see washing money to become rich) , I wouldnt be surprised if it took away 7 years of my life. Lets just hope not. But after consuming this egg, I felt compelled to take a metal picture, meaning me headbanging.

On a completely unrelated note, heres a view from out mountain, from where you can see Fuji-san in the distance.

From there we went to the hotel, where we were blessed with traditional Japanese style rooms, complete with tatami mats, cushions, green tea, sandals, robes, and samurai swords to perform hara-kiri if necessary.
meal #2.1 (of 2.5)

Resulted in me sing every damn song that was playing. Apparently there are some live videos of me performing, I must get ahold of them and destroy them. Except for my stellar performance of "I'll Make Love To You" by Boyz II Men. Boy was I soulful. I some point I dropped to my knees and disrobed. Not really, but I should have. After the meal, we took a trip to the onsen and got a whole bunch of drunk kids naked in a hot pool with a bunch of Japanese men. It wasn't that bad actually. Everyone kept their composure. But one trip to the onsen resulted in 2 more that night until 3 in the morning, and then another one at 9:30 the next morning.

The next morning we went to Odawara Castle complet with samurai dudes, a zoo, and a big ol' castle.

It became very rainy from this afternoon on, til the rest of the night, so everyone was feeling a little tired and depressed. We took away their guns and went to some Buddist temples instead. Climbed some rocks, took some pics and climbed a 207 set of stairs on top of the 300 I had climbed before. That's where the highest monks go when they are have nearly attained ultimate enlightement. This is also where Americans go to snap photographs.

How bout dat?
You live the most rediculous life ever lived.
I must say, you're a very talented story teller michael. Keep it up.
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